A lover of the roaring silences in life .... and passion for journaling about the minutiae of food, fitness & life...

Friday, May 31, 2013


It's all in how you look at it.

3 laps on track
50 of each:
Push ups
Bicycle sit ups
Jumping lunges
Tricep pulls
Side leg raises
10 sprints jog back
1 lap

My goal is not time. It's cleaner stronger rounds of these!

My push-ups the start of second round were so much stronger than first set. Rad!

Goal~real push ups! Clean strong lunges.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sooooo good

Camp for boots, rad!
Early to bed & up at 5am, super rad!
So sore, so awesome!
Geysers bike climb...gnarly hills. Felt insane & difficult & so glad I am a cyclist. So glad.

Drinking lots of water. Watching food. Eating enough. Not skipping meals. Fueling. No headaches. No late night sleep hangovers.

So far... Kicking ass and taking names.

Seriously in love with 5:30 bootcamp. Being up at dawn truly trumps night owling. Had no idea.

Monday, May 27, 2013

A month of living outside the comfort zone

Been away unintentionally from this blog for one month...life is still peachy in the meantime.

~swimming 5 days a week
~biking weekly (70 miler Backroads event)
~running, need to do it a lot more. Still have the zest for it, need to make the time

Tomorrow starts one month of bootcamp. Running, lunging, abs, weights... Old-school biggest loser workouts. A bit nervous/excited of the workouts, I've wanted a change from linear movemt (bikerunswim) for a while but I'm terrified of bootcamp time~5:30 AM...eeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkk!

This mighty night owl is freaking out. Should be good for me. Going to bed like an adult at 10pm vs college kid at 1am. Excited about watching the sunrises though ;-)

Going to track my process here with camp and eating well. Doing a month of herbalife tea/aloe/shakes as well as clean-ish eating.  Not going paleo (I like rice & beans too much) or dieting (I like honey & cheese too much) or anything like that, just trying to lay off the junk food I shove in my mouth when I am too lazy to make a meal. I have a bad habit of skipping breakfast then being low energy/hunger headache and hosing myself on a run etc. hoping the quick/easy shake in the AM will help me in realizing how much better I feel when I'm fueled and can continue after the month is up by making my own shakes or using Herba if I am addicted/too lazy. Ordered the allergen free shake option (no soy, gluten, dairy)...Not sure it'll be as tasty as the banana cream pie shakes at the Live it Up cafe.  Love the tea and aloe though, not sure which one it is but something in one of those two things makes me feel ZOWIE.  Might also just being hydrated and fueled :-)