A lover of the roaring silences in life .... and passion for journaling about the minutiae of food, fitness & life...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Awesome Journey

Dude... Yup.

Summer time and the living is easy...

Been running and riding and swimming a lot.  Past week and next week off Boots and really missing it.  Not always keen on pre-dawn wake-up but man is it a great way to start the day.  Really jonesing for the workout and hard to make myself do it solo.  Easier to go on a run or swim.  Excited for next camp session.  Hilariously surprised on how much I enjoy the early mornings and the workout.  Need to keep up with the workouts to not lose the teeny tiny improvements I have made on being able to to a modified plank and push-up. Can't wait to do real push-ups and plank...hopefully in my lifetime :-)

Friday, June 7, 2013

Shoe Porn

As a runner.... This really does it for me. Zowie. New shoe day.

See Jane tomorrow in Alameda. Flat course, 75% ocean view, all women. Yeah!!!

Not trained at all but I have legs so I will run jog walk to my thumping tunes. Not a huge fan of See Jane, their FB posts are very corporate & all about champagne & chocolate & girlie stuff...a bit demeaning but I'm just picky.

Missed bootscamp today. Was up and almost dressed but really sore achilles & groin from squats .... Made decision not to go. Hard to do but didn't want to limp 13.1 for a fun dawn workout.

Can't wait for Monday 5:30!


Thursday, June 6, 2013


Love BootsCamp. Hard to rise at 5am but so worth it. Amazeballs.

Getting stronger every day on lunges squats curls burpees hover plank

Love seeing the dawn

This week was a sad one for swimming, only went 2 times. Crazy busy & shorter lap swim hours in the summer, boooo

Half Marathon Saturday but stressed to get there & home for a party at noon. Not how I like to run an event.

Tired every night by 8 & up naturally at 4:30am

Need to eat more GREENS

Hydrate more

Stuffy head, cold coming on ... Ick. Hope it's a shortie.