A lover of the roaring silences in life .... and passion for journaling about the minutiae of food, fitness & life...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Chug chug chugging it out

Had to work so hard for these measly 3.88 miles but worth it.  Body still sore from long run Sunday, waited till mid-afternoon to run, really wanted to swim instead, sunny but chilly..blah blah blah.  The first 3 minutes I think tears actually formed in my eyes, it was that fun (NOT), just felt crunchy & slow & heavy....but then I got in my groove and soldiered on.  As always, glad I got in a tiny run, loosened up some of the soreness & was out in the sunshine soaking up Vitamin D.  Win.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


So these stats are a bit off since I walked a .5 mile cool down. Should be about 11:30 min mile...Glad I have no ego to bruise! At 10k's and Halfs I average 10-10:30 miles, so I guess on my own I am a pokey.

Oh well, I felt great. No side aches! Barely any Achilles pain (a wee bit) and no other issues at all. Strong core, felt soooooo good, strong legs too. A bit achey feet, new shoes so that's not an excuse, just 14 miles aches I guess! Shoulda carried water though. A few gummy bears yummmm.

Only problem today was making myself continue to run past 6-8 miles, accountable only to me. I guess thats why people like running groups or partners, it does help pass the time...not me, lone wolf, just me & LMFAO. That's my cruel mistress~accountability. Got it done today though, yahoo! Feel so high (and sore) tonight, great feeling. Love love love love looooooooved being out in that morning fog, alone......running. RAD.

A fantastic much-needed run!

Long run in the WestCo fog, my favorite!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Mind Control

What a brilliant run today. Perfect weather, great legs, strong core...fun fun fun.  Most of all, I finally created the best cold weather running outfit for ME.  I've spent the past few cold runs with a long sleeved shirt half on, then off, then tied around my waist (which I hate), and a few times I was ready to just chuck a great piece of running gear because it being on my person was just screwing up my run mojo. I am a tanktop workout junkie, can't have my arms covered, even in pouring rain or cold.  So today I put together this outfit: arm warmers, running tanktop, fleece vest, gloves.  Perfection.  Wish I had gone longer & farther but had a lot to do before I picked up kiddo from school & honestly, my mind was racing with so many things I had/wanted to do I could not muscle the resolve to run for another hour.

I do LOVE the matter of simple mind control, LOVE.  I truly believe exercise is 90% mental and only 10% body if that (man, I wish my 10% body wasn't afflicted with achilles and hip issues but I hate to be nit-picky).  I have only been able to run for the past few years because I have changed my way of thinking in regards to running.  It is no longer physical for me, it is a mental game and has been since I spent 6 + hours in the rain at Portland Marathon.  Now, I run because I want to & I need to and I make my body follow, even if it isn't willing!

Today I wrapped up my run at 6 miles but wasn't feeling done, since I had hoped to do 10-12 and I had the time but I had other things I wanted to do.  So basically I felt like I was ditching my commitment...soooooo I started the silent chant "I OWN you!" to my legs and feet and made them do 2 more miles and it felt awesome.  It wasn't 10 but it was a brillant 8 :-)  My two favorite phrases to scream silently in my head are "I OWN you!" and of course the American Pie favorite "Say my name B*&ch!"  Works for me in getting my feet to move onward! :-) Also the pic below is gonna be a new mantra, from myself to myself...getting out of my own way is always a good thing & usually ends up a huge success.

*Looking to take a long Thanksgiving morning run and an even longer Sunday run after all the eating & gluttonous partying.*

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Green Machine

Been rocking the greens lately. Smoothies, soups, side dishes to dinners & this morning made garlic spinach with fried eggs. Soooooo good. Trying to nourish the body more. Running & biking come easy, eating well & sleeping more not as easy...but trying!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Run Time

10k in San Francisco...total blast! Gorgeous weather, had painful 'crazy toe' as I call it but the morning turned out RAD as a running event always is! Felt strong, happy & just totally enjoyed myself.... as running should be :-)

Mermaid Runners!

Mermaid Run SF

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Big Ride Big Fun

Big ride today put to Dillion. No time constraints, so gorgeous but cool enough to not be sweating it out. Absolute wheelie bliss. I feel so lucky & blessed each time to be out there. To have the time to do it of course is a blessing but also to own the inner confidence & strength to be out on the roads on my bike is a gift I've built up for myself.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Do LIFE...

Go to this blog. Now. Watch the video.  So honest, this young man just lives it & tells it like it is. Be inspired to BE happy.

Ben Does Life

Friday, November 4, 2011

Its a Runners World

I love RW magazine, looooooove. The articles, tips & pictures are always just what I need. Just read an inspiring article about a mother runner and her closing quote sums up exactly why I run, especially as a wife & mother. I do so many things in my life for others (and in return I am so very loved & taken care of by so many & I never take a moment for granted) but life has a way of splitting a woman into a million pieces if you let it. "Running is the only thing I have that's mine." ~Christine Orr

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Took a late afternoon run today. Muscles sore from big ride yesterday & had a few side aches (I blame the blue tortilla chips I stuffed my face with) but as always, the run was awesome. Music blaring & feet moving & legs working...never fails to make me feel rad.

Nike asks: I run to BE.... and Saucony says: Find your strong. I say I run to feel strong & beautiful~I feel amazing when I run. My mind drifts to thoughts of marathons, ultras, my family, friends, jr. jazzercise, food, life journeys...

When I run I am lean, strong, super fit & feminine..I am my OWN ideal woman when I run. No magazine, lipstick, fad diet or $200 pair of good-ass jeans can make me feel as gorgeous as I feel when I am out running.  That's a fact.

Big ride, Big fun

Awesome ride as always with Blondie on the backroads.  The roads are steep but man, we kick ASS!  We just chat away merrily as we pound up these grades (only 1-2 times did we have to stop talking to grunt away or suck air to get up the hills).  Riding is just insanely awesome therapy, girl talk all the way & amazingly fantastic cardio.  After we finished up our heart-pounding ride we jetted for tacos in the 15 minutes we had before preschool pick-up.  I could feel my blood still rushing, my cheeks flushing, I just felt ALIVE and I love the way exercise does that for a person, LOVE. Watched a cheesy ABC news clip today about the happiest woman in America, yadda yadda she had her kiddo at the right time (27-33 apparently is the sweet spot) and her husband, who is a doctor makes dinner every night (she's got a winner there) but the things about her happy/balanced life that really stood out for me were this: a 10 min walk can give you energy & endorphins for up to TWO hours, 30 minutes of exercise a day can reduce your chance of depression by 12%...SO true! Moving & grooving are natural anti-depressants for the body & heart & soul.  it's a simple fact, you move your body & get your blood pumping and your lungs moving in & out, you will feel good, I promise!  It's in our genetic make-up, we were meant to MOVE.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Even though last week, I ran 11 miles (and before that 13, before that 12, 11, 10...so I'm no slouch) ~ lately I had been feeling like I lost my running mojo or it was hibernating.  No idea why, it was only a few days lag, maybe coming off Nike Half or the fact that I have been rolling a lot on my bike & loving it so much (I almost feel like I am cheating on running, oy vey).  I dunno.  Last week I took two big bike rides, a short swim, a long walk and a short 3 miler in the scorching sun and STILL felt like I had lost my mojo.  I'm not sure what it is but there is a big difference for me in waking up in the morning and feeling this pulsating energy of "nothing is going to stop me from a long awesome run today!!!" and " oh, hmmm I guess I 'should' run today, I 'need' to get in a long run, buuuuuut..." My marathon buddy is at 15 milers right now and I envy her get'up and go, lately I feel my "get up & go has gone up & went", to quote a Hallmark birthday card.

Yesterday I drove to Spring Lake for a run, not keen on the drive when I could just as easily walk out my front door & run but I thought the scenery & the fact that everyone there running, walking or stroller'ing it might motivate me.  I spent too much time dorking around & so by the time I got on the trail it was warm & in that sluggish late morning zone.  I set out, my original plan of a looong run geared down to 'whatever' I ended up doing.  Once I was out there, after a few water stops & Gu, I felt IT.  I felt my mojo, I was happy to be there, the 'should' faded away and was replaced by my favorite feelings of "I LOVE running, I love being out here, I feel free and this is absolutely the exact way I want to spend my time right now!"  YEAH!  Overall I ran 2 hrs~10.2 miles, not breaking any speed records for sure but man it felt AWESOME.  I finished so much stronger than I started which always rocks.  I still had gas in my tank for 3 or 4 miles but I didn't have the time.  Always so much better to run out of time before stamina, woooohooooo.  It was just what I needed.

Was supposed to bike today but woke with sore legs (and a pain in my ass, lingering hamstring issue) and my riding buddy felt more like yoga than biking today.  It is gorgeous outside and I always feel guilty about not soaking up gorgeous biking weather, something I have to contend with (feelings of guilt when I am not being 100% productive every day, a bad SAHM habit :-)  So I took the day off from fitness (I was going to swim but never made the trek) and it is surprising to me how many hours are in a free day when you aren't off running, biking or swimming...crazy! Worked on my house like mad, felt good to literally clean house in a lot of ways.

Still dealing with the lingering hamstring issue which doesn't hamper my running or biking but aches a lot and is a pain.  I am trying not to get too stressed or anxious about 26.2 in January and if my body will happily & healthily be able to accomplish that distance.  Pondering....

SLEEP, gotta sleep more, going to bed at 1am is not the same as going to bed at 11pm...gotta hammer that into my brain!

Also pondering diet & how to eat as close to whole foods and healthy as possible, especially heading into the danger zone of the holiDAZE.  I love really tasty favorite holiday foods but I loathe the way I stuff my face with junk (like gross packaged onion dip or fruitcake) that I seem to eat even if I don't like it.  I am really hoping to fill this season with insanely healthy & great tasting foods & dishes, whole foods that reflect the season and brim with wonderful flavors.  Foods that fill up my body & my heart with holiday goodness.