A lover of the roaring silences in life .... and passion for journaling about the minutiae of food, fitness & life...

Friday, June 29, 2012

Running rocks!

Love this pic, reminds me of my badass musician brother & running. Righteous.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Summer Daze

Eating ....Ok~healthy yes but also indulging, hey it's summer baby!

Wish I was putting some effort into weight training or core workout ~ I always have visions of push-ups and pull-ups and being so sore & sweaty from some type of CrossFit workout...it never happens tho' :-)

Too busy being active in other ways.  Oh Wel.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Loved the hill climbs today, chick chat & getting my blood & energy moving.  I was digging deep on some of those hills tho, felt like I was in middle gear but was in the easiest and still slugging it out.  Felt crazy great but I was working!

Also love logging 1,200 calories burned into Lose It. Wooooot!  As I always say, I exercise to EAT and I love to eat.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012



In my next life...

Saturday 5.5 miler

Lose It


Summer is here...Life is a Grand Adventure

Haven't posted since late May...opps.  it's not because I have fallen off the wagon I swear.  I swim a lot, fitting it in during the day and if not, scurrying over there in the eve right after a big family dinner but committed to getting it done.  Always glad I do.  Been running a little a lot, which means about 2.5-3 ,miles a few days a week before it gets too hot & before husband leaves for work.  Love running in the morning.  Takes wicked motivation, to throw on my clothes after breakfast or to rush to get out the door if husband has to leave in 29 minutes for work...but I do it.

Today was a run and then a bike solo.  So boring (and sketchy, safety in numbers) to bike solo but I did it. Go me!  I've been tracking my daily food on Lose It and LOVE it.  I am hardly if ever in my range for weight loss but I love to see what I eat (a lot) and to be accountable.  Logging even handfuls of cereal or 1/4 glasses of wine.  I've lost a few pounds and I think it is mainly from Lose It and seeing the choices I make and also what a big role exercise plays (you get mad calories back!)

So life here is grand,,,,looking forward to a relaxing and fun summer of being uber active and lots of family adventures.  As well as the church of swim bike run.  Cheers!