A lover of the roaring silences in life .... and passion for journaling about the minutiae of food, fitness & life...

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Let the season begin...

Biker Booze

I need one if these.

Life is good. I'm alive. I hate violence & chaos (Boston broke my heart) but I see the joy & love of being alive for now & my loved ones safe for today.

Bikes Lake Sonoma Hills, awesome.

Love my bike. Love her.

Eating is meh. A balance of salmon/broccoli and steel oats with self medicating comfort food 'tortilla mayo cheese pickle' wrap :-). Doing ok. Could be tons better but there are bigger worries in the world than sugar in my coffee (I use maple syrup actually).

Loving life & my family today, always.

Beautiful bounty


Friday, April 12, 2013

Hidden Perks of an Active Life

Love that this evening as I walked the dog & thought 'yahoo glad I'm getting out for some exercise today...' I was totally forgetting that earlier in the day I had ran 3 miles & swam 30 minutes.


Food is ok. Off the wagon a bit. Still trying to be clean but not nearly as good as a few weeks ago but trying....

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Solo ride
Hit the road late, thought I'd do 30 min just to be in the saddle, then I said half the backroads loop (backwards), then before I knew it... I road the whole loop.


Saw a woman ~ lean tan long legs cute skirts gray hair and a face about 70-ish. I love riding=longevity.

Ahhhh Grasshopper

The problems: been a sugarwhore the past 2 days, no idea why or how but its been insane... Maybe 10-12 Hershey kisses, I lost count.

Dog craziness. Bad mood regarding school for Dude (excited for summer & lax routine) & him growing up way too fast.

The joys: walking swimming biking.

My Dude. He's been absolutely delicious & joyous, I want to just squeeze him forever and ever.


Lazy calm nights at home.

Hitting the road on my bike again right now! Zoooooom

Lazy spring evenings...bliss

WW awesomeness

Thank you S!

Monday, April 8, 2013


Today was a good day but also a mixed bag of good health and enjoyment.  I think I was tired from Saturday ride and also just hungry...for food, life, calm.  So I satiated myself :-)

Coffee soy maple
brown rice heated in almond milk cinnamon maple
1.5 hr dog stroll in the sunny wind
BIG italian sandwich from Fiesta, yum!
25 min Swim 
2 scoops sundae at B&R with Dude. Awesome
small portion spinach pasta & meat sauce
salad carrots
2 slices cinnamon raisin ezekiel toast & earth balance
Solo evening stroll with dog after dinner...beautiful outside at twilight

Left outside knee hurts like a bugger, aches.  I am sure it is a calf or hamstring issue presenting itself at the knee...STRETCHing needed.  More. Always. More.

Biking Tuesday and Run Wednesday...a sunny week of swimming daily I hope.

Evening Walk

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Cinderella Ride Radness

Beautiful day...unsettled gray sun wind sun gray
Easy ride.  Felt the burn in the legs a few times up long inclines
New bike felt like BUTTER
Noticed new things on bike, my sit bones hurt and I felt higher on my seat.  A bit of a neck/high shoulders ache but I think that is the long mileage not the bike
Loved my new shifting and just new light bike.  Yahooo
Great people~love the tutus fishnets helmet art...so many fun people.
So many older ladies!
So many bike teams and groups
A few snarky ladies
A few people did not know or care to abide by the polite rules of the road...sigh...always a few turkeys out there
Strong, smart in riding, confident on the bike in big groups or traffic.
Felt guilty every time I blew a stopsign, I know if I encountered a crabby cop I would get a ticket but that didn't stop me from rolling with everyone through them. Felt a bit like cattle, following the herd.
Hard to touch down on all signs though, there were so many and no one was stopping unless a car was waiting. Again, herd.
Great food and snacks.  I was good and ate zero cookies & caramels etc even though it is justified to EAT anything on a long ride....stuck to bananas and PB & pickle sandwich :-) V8 and pretzels.
Next year I want to socialize more, chat up more ladies.  So many from so many places...love it.
Was channeling Big George (Hincappie) and pulling the big gear a lot, so fast & smooth on the new Honey bike.  I could have jetted away so many times on the straight aways if there were not so many people...fantastic.

Overall a totally righteous day.  So glad to be out there & riding.  Feeling lucky.

Tons of bikes...makes me giddy

Pockets full of caramels

Stripes & polka dots



Friday, April 5, 2013

Gutsy Earthy Full-bodied....

Gutsy earthy full bodied, yes please!  That's how I want my life to feel....

Coffee Soy Maple
Almond milk
1 hr dog walk
3 mile run...felt RAD
Swim 25 minutes, bliss

Big fueling lunch at Marys, broke the rules a bit but tomorrow is slated for 65 miles so I wanted/needed the fuel :-)
3 fresh baked breadsticks
Salad, italian & blue cheese
Grilled chicken & 'shrooms
half apple


Nervous about 65 miles, that's a LOT of miles on the bike when I've been riding about 20-25 miles but soooooo incredibly excited to spin all day.  Love to ride.  Will be awesome on my new ride, the Tupelo Honey.  Hoping it fits like my old bike, I know it might need to be re-fit/adjusted after a few rides but truly hope I have zero back or neck issues (never had any on my old girl).  Pondering wearing my new shoes.  Not like running, don't need to break in road shoes but not sure I want to wear them for 65 and realize I have an issue at mile 12....we'll see .....

Good Day

Running around rainy day but saw lots of wonderful friends, laughed my face off and snuggled my Dude. Great day.

Coffee maple soy dashes
Dog walk (2x today)
Two eggs
Go Rice ball
Coffee black, no soy or honey around...not bad
Huge peanut dressing coated veggie salad YUM
Small Bite of insanely awesome chocolate cake

SWIM 30 min. Needed longer, bliss

2 grandma chocolate chip cookies. Kinda forgot my no treats gig & just shoved them in my mouth. Oh well.

Rice & over-easy eggs for dinner, old college favorite

!Mantra: more water greens sleep!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hike Festivus

Great day but a bit wackadoodle too (to quote the fabulous Miss Amber, hey there A :-)

Big emotional off day for kiddo, lots of energy into resolving that.  Then a few other ditty's for the day that just made me go 'huh...' at the day.  Overall, I can't complain. Well, I did get a minor migraine so I can complain but it went away & had a gorgeous afternoon hiking with a dear friend and then yummy dinner with two dear friends & tons of girl chat.  Life is golden, sometimes frayed at the edges but always golden.

Taking advil & traumeel for my knee which has subsided, woooot!

coffee soy maple
vegan apricot bar, dry but filling
coffee & honey
walk dog
very short swim, pretty proud to haul my ass there for 15 min though
Chiro worked on my neck & shoulder
vegan coconut pasta with tofu and veggies
small green salad with cilantro dressing (may have been dairy but darn good)

Need: more greens sleep water....RUNNING.

Well, woke up after...

Life altering surgery & becoming a mama and realizing that LIFE is too awesome to piss away by being stagnant or complacent or bored or crabby.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tupelo Honey

Good day

Good day but kinda odd. Moody maybe?

Steel cut Oatmeal & almond milk
Sushi...a lot. No fancy rolls. Fish & rice

Tortilla beans Daiya (small)
Cantaloupe & apple
Sweets (2 bites banana tempura & small brownie)

20 min dog walk
20 min swim
45 min new bike ride

Got my new wheels today. Love it. Excited. A bit nervous. New & all.

Odd left knee pain, behind/outside if knee. Feels swollen & just uncomfortable. So weird. Hurts to bed, irritated...took Advil & traumeel. Will ice tonight.


I have read these a few times...seems easy to follow but a few I struggle with big time. Hoping to be better as time goes by.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Wake up little sushi...

Found out the difference between nigiri & sashimi... No rice. Naked sushi. Got a side of rice :-).

GF toast
Hour walk dog
Big sushi lunch
20 min swim

Dried peaches

Soup~rice lentil broccoli carrot broth kale

oh and my oatmeal banana bars!  Had 4 mushy bananas to use but wanted to stay GF but had no spelt or almond flour for bread.  So I made an oatmeal bread: oatmeal bananas almonds, peanut butter honey and two eggs.  It is really dense but hearty & with a bit of earth balance butter & honey they are dang tasty!