A lover of the roaring silences in life .... and passion for journaling about the minutiae of food, fitness & life...

Sunday, April 15, 2012


I have been trying to limit wheat, gluten, dairy in my every day. I haven't been 100% but I've made a big dent in bad habits. No random crackers, bread, cereal... I do eat my favorite bread (pic) that includes wheat berries, wheat gluten & wheat flour...but I only have 1-2 slices every few days and I'm not going to cut that out because... I don't really need to. If I HAD to cut out WW & Gluten for medical reasons I would but it's really only to try & 'limit' it, I don't have to be perfect :-)

Eating a lot of nuts, dried fruit, fresh fruit, veggies, meat, eggs. Favorites include:kale wrapped apples, lunchmeat wrapped apples, steak slices with chevre raisins & kale. Chevre & goat milk cheddar (soooo good & light & sour in a good way!). Only dairy I am eating is butter & creamer, both limited but again, I'm not going to suffer, I feel healthy.

6 mile run today, overall RAD. Calf & ankle pain first 1-2 miles then gone, crazy knee pain like the Half that was like a knife but it subsided. So happy I did the run today, haven't ran more than 3-4 miles at a time in past few weeks. This restored my mojo and quest for longer longer longer runs.

P10 run tradition

Friday, April 13, 2012

Lunch plate

My new favorite thing is...raw kale.  Acquired taste I know but it is so fresh and lovely.  I eat it wrapped around apples by the handful.  I used to feel bad that I don't necessarily enjoy drippy salads or stirfry's with kale but now that I know what I do LIKE, I feel better :-)  Just took my 4.5yr old eating handfuls of kale to show me the way, go figure.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Melon, mint, kale~Awesome


Coffee Catz...yum. Bean & cheese, salsa & avo. Hard to say no to the sour cream & more cheese on top but it's little things like that, which make me feel like I'm 'trying' to be a bit more aware of stuffing my mug.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Food for Thought

I was swimming today & realized how confident I feel in the pool. I am slooooow, steady & boring (freestyle baby) but... Over the past year or so I have become a swimmer. I go to the pool in rain, wind, cold, I make myself go if I only have 20 min (better than nothing, always worth it!), I get in lanes with 1-2 people, ask forcefully " ok if we share or circle?" I play the game & know the rules.

Same with running & biking, and now with Bar & Zumba. I muster the hutzpah and make myself GO & enjoy it. I don't let nerves, anxiety, fear, shyness, or dissatisfaction with my ass in spandex or bathing suit stop me. I try to overcome excuses (too hungry, too tired, headache, too busy...) by keeping food & water in my car, advil too. I am a master of flexibility...too warm to run, I swim. Too rainy to bike, I go to Bar, too crunchy to run, I walk.

I am here to play the game, to sweat & feel the burn, the rush, the strength, the bliss during & after... Put me in Coach, I'm ready to play. This is the only life I've got (that I remember), I'm not going to spend it loafing on the bench. Well, I do love to loaf... but only AFTER my workouts when I'm exhilarated and spent!

Change Up

Super Duper

I love the church of run swim bike.  I also love Barsculpt.  I super duper love Zumba, tonight reminded me of that.  I just feel like it is one big dance party, no work & all fun.  I really need to try and get there a few times a week (I wish it could be daily).  What a rush & the best music. Fun Fun Fun.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Changing it up...

Less boxes & packages... More whole. Need to move in that direction.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Life is sweet.  Just trying to find my groove in river of life and also in fitness.  Calf muscles so tight lately (feels like mile 24 of a marathon on mile 2 of an easy jog, yikers!).  Trying to stick to my new model of a weekly Perfect 10: 3 runs, 3 lap swims, 3 Annadel Fitness Classes and 1 bike ride=Perfect 10.

Also trying to get my eating and family meals in synch.  I love the Paleo philosophy of "if it has a label it most likely isn't healthy or Paleo."  I really wish I (and my family) could be that clean.  No dairy, sugar, wheat, salt.  Oh man, sounds so healthy but...sounds so difficult to achieve.  Ponder Ponder...