A lover of the roaring silences in life .... and passion for journaling about the minutiae of food, fitness & life...

Sunday, November 27, 2011


So these stats are a bit off since I walked a .5 mile cool down. Should be about 11:30 min mile...Glad I have no ego to bruise! At 10k's and Halfs I average 10-10:30 miles, so I guess on my own I am a pokey.

Oh well, I felt great. No side aches! Barely any Achilles pain (a wee bit) and no other issues at all. Strong core, felt soooooo good, strong legs too. A bit achey feet, new shoes so that's not an excuse, just 14 miles aches I guess! Shoulda carried water though. A few gummy bears yummmm.

Only problem today was making myself continue to run past 6-8 miles, accountable only to me. I guess thats why people like running groups or partners, it does help pass the time...not me, lone wolf, just me & LMFAO. That's my cruel mistress~accountability. Got it done today though, yahoo! Feel so high (and sore) tonight, great feeling. Love love love love looooooooved being out in that morning fog, alone......running. RAD.

1 comment:

  1. Anya, you are a running rock star baby! Half-Marathon distances on a normal pop-outside-and-take-a-run? How awesome! Reading & knowing what you are doing will help push me beyond the 10k distance I've been pushing myself up toward as I slooowly work my way back to pre-pregnancy fitness level :-) Go, go, go!


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