A lover of the roaring silences in life .... and passion for journaling about the minutiae of food, fitness & life...

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Under darkening skies

Got it done. I *heart* bad-ass fitness chicks. Took a Bar class with Blondie, both of us laughing at how frigging hard some of the exercises were but getting it done.
Then met Miss Amber for a spin & it was so cold & windy, then both her tires failed before we even set out. So we dropped her bike at the shop, sipped coffee & gossiped heart to heart AND then STILL took a ride! Commitment not Interest, thank you A!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Peace Out

Swam today in the sunshine. Bliss. Missing running even though I ran Saturday. Hoping I can run Wednesday or Thursday without arrows of pain in that dang achilles. Cheers to hoping.


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bounty & Boon

Really crushing on our CSA.  Every week I go to pick up our bags of fresh, live, and 'sometimes picked that very morning' food I feel happy.  Everything looks & smells wonderful, I love their little store and always pick up another bin full of apples, potatoes, onions, milk, usually for around $18.  It saves us money (If I hit the store for a few odds & ends I would easily spend $80 on whatever caught my eye) and the Dude loves the trip for pick-up as well.  He plays in the field & runs around helping me put the food in the bags.  For a few days after we pick up our CSA we have huge amazing meals, then we slack off a bit until the next week but overall we eat SO much better, fresher and more creatively than we did before joining.  

Took a small run today for the first time in 5 days and sad to say that damn left achilles was still being a bitter bitch.  Ached within the first few minutes and continued to actually hurt the entire run.  I forced myself through the run/walk overall and that just felt pissy.  I love running when i am not thinking of anything but my music, my time to run and being outside.  Today my inner monologue was honestly "ouch pain ouch frick ouch wtf wtf wtf wtf that feels swollen pain pain pain this is not so fun."  It was good to focus on what felt GOOD.  My right achilles and leg felt awesome.  My core is so strong that I was barely breaking a sweat or breathing hard, which I love about having come so far in my running.  I loved the sun & my music and how running really clears out the cobwebs & soot from my brain.

I did NOT like the pain in my ankle that eventually began shooting up my calf :-(  I did feel a bit of achilles on my long climb bike ride on Thursday and need to ponder that.  I also may not have run for 5 days but I did a Bar class, one big climbing  ride and two swims...so technically I wasn't 'resting' my achilles from anything except running.  Have an appointment with my PT in a week & seeing my acupuncturist~I am going to ask to give some love to my ankle and I'm going to take another few days off running.  I have no choice, I am not a fan of running while fighting back tears of pain & aggravation.  Not a fan at all.

I am a HUGE fan of BarSculpt and am still feeling it in my core and legs 4 days later.  I will be heading into the studio for that at least 2 if not 3 times this week.

I also had a great time on my run when I wasn't focused on my ankle, pondering "My Happy.'  Saucony says 'Find Your Strong' and I feel like I have done that and I have also found My Happy.  I know exactly what makes me feel happy, content, confident & peaceful at this point in my life and that feels amazing.

I love running, swimming, biking....absolutely brings me peace and contentment and an overall sense of AWESOME.  Loving on my kiddo as much as I can, soaking in everything about him for the time that I can before he turns into a big gangly boy who wants not much to do with mom.  I appreciate and adore every day with him, I really do.  Same with the husband.  Every day there's adoration and feeling very blessed for what I have & what I have created & what I work hard to maintain.

In the past year I have made even more close & amazing friends that I feel so lucky to have in my life.  I have always been blessed with close girlfriends beginning with my BFF in kindergarten & continuing through college & beyond and for that I am truly thankful.  Widening my circle this past year to include even more ladies & some dudes, all amazing & dear in their own way (fitness friends, preschool friends, online friends, far-away friends, etc...such diverse, rich & amazing human beings).  I am amazed at what they give me & what I give them in this life.  All these new adventures & people & experiences has just been an INSANE and unexpected boon to my life the past few years.  BOON I tell ya.  Now if only that perfect family dog(s) would find us soon, the circle might be complete, we'll see.

Next week looking forward to: clean eating, swim, bike, barsculpt and maybe hopefully a run or two. Also need to start one of the numerous fantastic books stacked on my table.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Slowing down to smell the beeswax

Great week. Off running for 5 days, hope that heals my achilles a bit. Really hope.

Swimming, awesome. Biking tomorrow.

Today hit BarSculpt class...so glad I went, thought I would ditch. Great vibe, teacher, room, music rocked. Hated seeing my arms in the mirror, they don't look like my arms, all white, fleshy, flabby. Need to work on them big time. Feels like I'm starting at the bottom. Ugh.

Class was so hard but sooooo good. Major core muscle fatigue. Hoping to go 2 times a week min, I need it. So much of my Fonda workout is incorporated in their moves, along with energy & great tunes. Win win.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Rest...sort of...

Yup, an arrow to the heel is basically what it feels like when I run.  It also feels insanely painful and like I am really being an ass for running on it when it hurts that bad.  Taking a few days off, substituting swimming and biking.  So not truly a rest but certainly a rest from pounding running for at least a day or two. Hopefully not more, running keeps me sane & my blood rushing.  Going to use ice, stretch, ibuprofen and massage.  Achilles hasn't hurt like this in a long time, I'm sure it was Maui that amped it up...gotta get it to settle down again.  I also need to fit it into my schedule for a zumba and bar workout class 1-2 times a week, my friend recently did it & loved it, I need to diversify if I plan to be a long term runner.
"The Achilles tendon is the connection between the heel and the most powerful muscle group in the body. This has long been known as a site which is prone to disabling injury.  This tendon is named after Achilles, who according to myth, was protected from wounds by being dipped in a magical pond by his mother. She held him by the heel, which was not immersed, and later died by an arrow wound in his heel."

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Energy...thru the roof
Achilles...in the basement :-(

Pain.....major bummer

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Swim & Yum

Fantastic tacos made tonight on the fly, so fun to be creative & have it be TASTY!

Spent an hour+ at Ives doing laps. Bliss. Sunny, blue skies, empty pool (that was kinda Twilight Zone~gorgeous day, empty pool... Hmmmm). Swam until my knee hurt, which never happens since I usually only swim 20-40, cutting it close to pool close or preschool pick-up. Today was the BEST.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Climbing & chatting

Hit the road today for a ride.  Gorgeous freezing sunshine, seriously cold out there.  I love to ride when I get on my bike but getting there is always a mental battle. Especially with Blondie, I always think we are one small step away from ditching the bikes and getting an espresso & just chatting the morning away.  Yet, we ALWAYS get it done, we both swallow our private lazy thoughts & as long as neither of us mutter "Do we really want to..." then we get geared up & on the bike & chat the morning away while spinning our legs. Win Win.

Today was supposed to be a good loop of rollers by Bodega but we (Blondie) said "Let's climb Coleman instead and then our cars are at Howards for lunch afterwards."  Simple, right? Except Coleman is UP, straight up from the parking lot...but we did it.  Like we always do.  I was anxious, I knew I hadn't done hills in a while and overall I am in good shape but hill climbing is always daunting because it's hard!  The thought of being sweaty, shaky, difficult to catch my breath, burning calf muscles, all from the word GO made me a bit freaky BUT I geared up, saddled up and zoom.  Worth it, every single time.  That's the best thing about fitness, you never regret it.  I dare you to find someone who says they wasted their time on a bike, run, swim, class, weights...after it's over, you never feel like you wasted anything.

We chatted the whole way too, never too out of breath to not gossip.  So awesome.  Scenery was gorgeous, I always feel like I am doing something sinful when I ride on a gorgeous day, like playing hooky from school.  I know how blessed I am and what a blissed out life I lead, I know this & take it to heart every single day.

Coleman goes up and then down and then when you turn around you know you need to go up again to get down, a bit daunting but we accomplished it, with grit & sweat and a lot of "OMG we are so awesome, I can not believe we do this & we love it!"  I absolutely LOVE being out on the road and seeing the gorgeous back areas of Sonoma County that just look & smell different on a bike than in a car.

I love being geared up, being out when others are in, seeing cows on the hillsides as St. Helena is gorgeous in the background.  I love having wicked sore hands and arms from riding the brakes down endless hills that we just CLIMBED ALL THE WAY UP.

Rocking.  Love it.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Bike Run Swim

This week I took an easy & slow 2-3 miler on Wednesday.  legs and body felt great & fluid.   Too bad the run was late I the day, sunny, my motivation was rock bottom.  So glad the body felt great though.  This week I got in two lap swims in the sun at Ives, bliss.  Goal is 3 times a week for an hour instead of the 20-30 minutes I squeeze in.  Took great mellow spin with Blondie today, bike was like BUTTER after $145 strip-down & tune-up.  LOVE my bike......

Really want to force myself to do weights & Fonda, really do them.  Today was a bike & swim day and my body is tired and sore and I feel great.  Gotta do double days more often, swimming is always just a bonus not a workout to em.  Love it.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Run Strong Random Stranger

Kaiser Half Marathon in SF.  The best organized race I've ever done I think.  Awesome course, closed most the way, flat (my fav), so many porta potties it was funny, lots of water, support & just so organized.  A well organized race is essential to runners (especially first time racers) having a good experience and wanting to do it again.  KUDOS Kaiser!  The entire day was a total blast, carpooling with Miss A & plenty of parking at start, shuttle to line and then car was there at finish!

I felt pretty good the whole race until the end.  I had only done a handful of short runs since the marathon 2 weeks before so I was quietly nervous about actually having the legs to run this Half.  I knew I could just walk it though, didn't want to do that :-)  Overall felt the groove for a long while until about mile 9 when I got a wicked right knee pain, hurt so bad.  Dull deep ache on the outside of my right knee, below the knee cap.  Got scared, don't want to be a jackass and get injured, I'm not that hardcore!  So I walked a lot near the end and got ice immediately after.  Zero pain after run was over and today perfectly fine.  Something to watch though.  Finish was the only slight hill of the day, funny I had no idea it was the finish until I looked up from my shuffling feet and aching knee and saw the balloon arch, funny!

Only downside of the whole course was the 9-12 mile loop, you were running against the flow of runners who had already turned around and so it was a bit of a buzzkill (which I heard a bunch of people murmuring!) Just knowing you had a while to go before you turned around was mentally taxing.  It was made better by the GORGEOUS ocean view on your right, it was truly breath taking and an insanely sunny day.  Once I made the turn at mile 10 and was headed to the finish I got a burst of energy but along with intense knee pain...I was still a slow mo Joe.

Overall, so much fun and I just love events, feels social even when I run solo.  Feels great to do a half so close to a marathon, I feel in shape.  I had ZERO migraine post race (that never happens) and am only slightly sore today.  Feeling pretty good in so many ways about it all.  Now on to swimming, biking, Fonda and the foam roller this week!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Kaiser Half Mary

BEST course ever, also a gorgeous sunny amazing day. More info to come!