A lover of the roaring silences in life .... and passion for journaling about the minutiae of food, fitness & life...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Just a day...

Not sure if it was the rain today (summer really? Not so much mother nature) or the emotional hangover from an amazing relaxing family weekend of doing nothing & loving it but I was a SLUG today.  Slow Lazy Unmotivated Girl...SLUG...I felt bad about it for about 2 minutes before I let myself just write-off the day, don't we all get to do that some days?  Today was not a day of amazing chores or accomplishments or astounding achievements in personal or professional prowess, so it is easy to feel like it was a day of nothing...but then when I really think about it, the day was quite full of awesome:

Got the dude fed & off to school in the rain, delivered him to preschool happy, dressed, with a lunch & eager for his day.  Was going to go open-water swimming but paid attention to my gut (and the pouring rain) not to forge ahead, today was not the day~another day. Had a wonderful long girl chat, laughing & giggling over dorky things but also touching on heartfelt issues of happiness, marriage, parenthood, self-worth: chats like those for women are what i think of as food for the soul.  Forced myself on a short afternoon run when it was almost the last thing in the world I wanted to do, continued to force the run through a ripping side ache, which almost made it a better than a glory run, almost.  Picked up dude from school and chatted with a few moms for much longer than I usually do, really having good chats, making play dates & letting dude run around in the parking lot which this helicopter mom rarely lets happen.  Made a healthy & tasty dinner for my family, watched as my kiddo was polite & sweet to me & dad and eager to talk about his day & share his feelings.  Had a nice long chat with the husband after getting kiddo to bed...

So I guess I can't really say it was a nothing day ~ it was just a day, not terrible but not phenomenal but I am grateful that like any other day, I am blessed & blissed to be where I am...today.

On the moving and grooving front...FITNESS.  I am scared silly about my sprint triathlon in 1.5 weeks, YIKERS!  It is a great adrenaline rush to think of doing something for the first time in my life (I did a sprint duathlon in college that I basically just showed up to but we all do that in our 20's right?) but NEVER a triathlon.  I run, swim and bike regularly and feel strong and am getting stronger every day in swimming and biking which is a great feeling.  I have not trained on transitions for a Tri or anything like that, so we shall see what the event day holds~my legs might balk and scream "running after biking, you crazy woman!  I'm not moving!" and if that happens so be it!  I do know one thing...if I had not registered for an olympic tri in the fall there is NO way I would just be going for this sprint tri so casually ~ the threat & goal of a longer distance makes this sprint seem 'do-able' in my mind.  Like someone training for a marathon, a half marathon event might not be as daunting but if you were training for the half it would seem huge.  So basically what I am saying is I know people train for sprint tri's for months and they practice and get prepared, whereas I am just showing up and hoping for the best. This is sooooooooo not my usual strategy but......here goes nothing!

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