A lover of the roaring silences in life .... and passion for journaling about the minutiae of food, fitness & life...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Who is this person?

I have a wetsuit hanging in my closet.  A bike propped up in my living room.  A gear bag in my laundry room with all my running gear stashed in it.  I have 4 pairs of old & new running shoes strewn about.  Daily I look up running blogs, calendar races, search for triathlon training clinics, and google things like "open water swim groups."  I get peeved when it rains (again!) and I cancel yet another road ride.  I get anxious, like today, as it is raining and wondering if I am going to have the gumption to sneak in a run before my date night with husband.  I strategize on how to sneak in a yoga class on the same day I plan to swim or run.  I marvel at how much enjoyment and bliss I feel when I think about running, swimming, biking, hiking or doing yoga.  My diet has gone through a complete overhaul and I now prefer whole, fresh, clean foods to heavy or fried foods, meats & dairy.  The thought of stuffing myself until I feel full physically & emotionally is a feeling that I am so unfamiliar with lately.  I no longer get a thrill when I think about eating out, sure it's fun but it does not carry the same weight of pure joy it used to, which is a great thing.  I feel more centered and at-ease than ever.  Sometimes I laugh and look around at all 'this' and think "who is THIS person?"  I sure do love her to pieces lately!


  1. We love her to pieces too!

  2. Oh my Goss, I had no idea you blogged little mama. I just looked at your sites, wooohooo and a Saucony girl to boot! You are going to get strong like bull pushing those two babes in a double jogger! xoxoxoxox

    Wen, I miss ya like crazy almost every time I run, I always turn around at your house and give a shout out to you & your mom. Hope you can feel it :-)

    Took an INSANELY awesome 6 miler tonight in the mist (and at times pouring rain), streets were empty & glorious. It was humid & so lovely out, raining yes but not storming. I suffered through a ripping side ache for 2 miles (used to get them all the time but then they faded for a year but last 3 runs have gotten one in the same place and I am OVER it!) Just a rad run, so glad I pushed myself to go & hubby was so supportive of me doing what I wanted even though it was date night :-) God man Charlie Brown :-) So thankful for that!

  3. So much in common, so many journies a like, struggles the same, its amazing that our universes are so similar. Our transformations from sad and lifeless, to love, energy and light.
    This post was awesome. AWESOME!
    Keep inspiring lady, I am watching you!


Speak honestly so that we can all have a nice soul food chat...but play nice please, no meanies.