A lover of the roaring silences in life .... and passion for journaling about the minutiae of food, fitness & life...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Cinderella Ride Radness

Beautiful day...unsettled gray sun wind sun gray
Easy ride.  Felt the burn in the legs a few times up long inclines
New bike felt like BUTTER
Noticed new things on bike, my sit bones hurt and I felt higher on my seat.  A bit of a neck/high shoulders ache but I think that is the long mileage not the bike
Loved my new shifting and just new light bike.  Yahooo
Great people~love the tutus fishnets helmet art...so many fun people.
So many older ladies!
So many bike teams and groups
A few snarky ladies
A few people did not know or care to abide by the polite rules of the road...sigh...always a few turkeys out there
Strong, smart in riding, confident on the bike in big groups or traffic.
Felt guilty every time I blew a stopsign, I know if I encountered a crabby cop I would get a ticket but that didn't stop me from rolling with everyone through them. Felt a bit like cattle, following the herd.
Hard to touch down on all signs though, there were so many and no one was stopping unless a car was waiting. Again, herd.
Great food and snacks.  I was good and ate zero cookies & caramels etc even though it is justified to EAT anything on a long ride....stuck to bananas and PB & pickle sandwich :-) V8 and pretzels.
Next year I want to socialize more, chat up more ladies.  So many from so many places...love it.
Was channeling Big George (Hincappie) and pulling the big gear a lot, so fast & smooth on the new Honey bike.  I could have jetted away so many times on the straight aways if there were not so many people...fantastic.

Overall a totally righteous day.  So glad to be out there & riding.  Feeling lucky.

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