A lover of the roaring silences in life .... and passion for journaling about the minutiae of food, fitness & life...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Cha Cha Slide

Hit the road for a run today and it was ....blah.  Gorgeous morning but warm & sunny by 9:30, yikers!  I also ran 6 Monday and a 1.5 mile swim yesterday and I think I was just tired.  Was aiming for 10-12 but was sucking wind and so stopped at 7.5 which was really good considering I was about to call it at mile 1.  Was going for a no frills, no hills run but ended up going up Healdsburg incline 3 times, no idea why I always do stuff like that.

Shot powerbar gel tangerine and it brought me back to orange triaminic and my youth :-)  Needed some major inspiration & motivation to get my run in gear so I cranked up Cha Cha Slide and thought about Caz Slab dancing for a good 30 minutes, tearing up a few times thinking of my childhood summers spent there.

Shuffle keeps saying 'battery low' after it has charged for 24hrs plus...it is only a year old...so tired of throw away electronics :-(  been thinking of Portland 10-10 a lot and so incredibly thrilled I am not injured this fall like last fall (achilles, hips, hamstring) but really missing that milestone marker of my first marathon.  Will be eager to see if it is sunny and glorious for their run vs last year pissing rain for 5 hrs!  It was the most amazing adventure with so many friends, Giants games, Portland wandering & just feelings of confidence, accomplishment, love & fun.

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