A lover of the roaring silences in life .... and passion for journaling about the minutiae of food, fitness & life...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Slooooow Jams

Feeling slow lately, not sure why. Once I am running or biking I feel great but getting to the start line is a battle. Swam today again & felt as swift as molasses. Just not vibrating with unbridled energy like usual. Might be late nights of tv watching or diet. I'm not a big diet/fueling fan. I'm lazy, I eat when hungry but miss meals too often resulting in the dreaded bonk or the even more dreaded migraine. Not excited about it but going to take a closer look at my diet for fuel efficiency, if I see a difference I will snap out of my laziness towards food journaling & make a concentrated effort. Also need to make an effort to sleep more, my inner night owl is strong though.
Yesterday ran the treadmill, boo. Yeah for 2hrs of kiddo playcare though! I did realize I have been running too slow on the treadmill, hence boredom. I cranked it to 9:13 min miles & really enjoyed it (as much as a hamster can enjoy). Also did a 3% hill grade at 9:40 for 10 minutes, tidy little workout, proud of myself for pushing it.
Today swam 30 min, slow and not in the zone but got it done. Tonight aiming for 30 min run to stretch the legs.

1 comment:

  1. No run tonight, family time usurped a run. Hitting the hamster wheel tomorrow! So excited for preschool to start up again, gives this mama time to run outside in the fresh air like a normal person.


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